
Super anti spyware
Super anti spyware

super anti spyware

Also, it found a spyware virus in one of my computer security utilities, again that PC Tools said was okay. And let’s not forget that it was one of the few programs that could detect the USB shortcut vulnerability. In my opinion, it is better at discovering spyware related threats than PC Tools, as on my machine it discovered many adware type items that PC Tools passed over.

super anti spyware

It installs quick and is not a resource hog. Here is what I found out about SUPERAntiSpyware.

super anti spyware

When I was in the corporate world, it was what I found that cleaned virus infected machines that were protected by the “Big Two” anti-virus companies. If you have been following my blog for a while, then you know that I am a strong PC Tools backer. I installed it right beside my PC Tools Spyware Doctor with Anti-virus. I did a quick search on the product and found that even though PCMag gave it only a fair rating, I noticed that the users of the product gave it an excellent rating. There are so many anti-spyware programs out there now, and some are actually viruses, I just wasn’t interested. It needs to be regularly monitored - Use ONE AV as insurance, but following a few simple steps will greatly increase your ability to avoid malware.The good folks at SUPERAntiSpyware gave me a free copy of their Professional version software quite a while back. Good security is not a "set it and forget it" approach. Keep your anti-spam up to date, audit logs regularly and block e-mails with attachments that have tell-tale extensions (.vbs.

super anti spyware

Block any computer on your subnet(s) from sending mail from port 25 that aren't mailservers.Block ports that don't need to be open, watch for P2P / Torrent sharing, etc. Pay careful attention to your firewall.Disable users ability to install any software.Keep your programs and computers up to date with WSUS / GPO, etc. Pay close attention to common attack vectors such as PDF's, flash, java etc.Teach them what as suspicious e-mail looks like, how to spot them and what to do if they receive them. Educate your users on threats on the internet.Good security takes more than just an AV. Something that's there if you need it, but the thing you never want to have to rely on. That said, AV should be thought of as "insurance". Just as the others said, I would advise against the installation of two AV's.

Super anti spyware